Sunday, December 6, 2009

There are Many Bacterial Vaginosis Home Remedies But Only One Helped Me

Bacterial vaginosis is an inflammation of the genitourinary tract (GIT) of women. The infection is characterized by a thick, white, fishy smelling discharge from vagina. B.V. is caused due to growth of a set of bacteria leading to pH imbalance in the affected area.

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This is followed by redness, swelling, pain and burning sensation to the infected woman. Bacterial vaginosis home remedies include a variety of substances, like for instance, cold water, yogurt and tea just to mention a few. B.V. is easily curable via home remedies and some precautionary measures involving personal hygiene.

Home remedies prove significant in dealing with the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis. Below I have listed nine home remedies that have proven to give bacterial vaginosis relief.

1 Cotton Plugs with Yogurt

Yogurt can be used either by two ways:
- Applying it directly over the affected area.
- Soak cotton plugs in yogurt and insert it into vagina

Yogurt treatment has been clinically investigated and found to be beneficial, especially for recurring B.V.

2 Chilled Water

A tissue soaked in cold water can be laid across the affected area to obtain relief from redness and swelling due to constriction of blood vessels. This is probably the simplest home remedy for relieving burning sensation and pain.

3 Water Soaked Tea Bags

Take a tea bag and soak it in water. Then put it in the refrigerator and let it cool for a while. Now, apply the tea bag externally to relieve itching.

4 Turmeric Powder Dissolved in Milk

Dissolve turmeric powder in milk and use it until the symptoms disappear. Turmeric powder is anti fungal.

5 Powdered Neem

Neem has excellent antibacterial effects and is always advised for dermatological problems. Neem powder can alleviate bacteria from vaginal site.

6 Garlic - Applied Over the Affected Area or Taken Orally.

Take a garlic capsule every day or apply it directly over the infected area. Wrap a peeled garlic clove in gauze and try to put it in vagina. Repeat the treatment after an interval of 3-4 hours and your infection will likely be reduced.

7 Juice from Pressed Vegetables

Juice from green vegetable, ginger, parsley and garlic also has a good effect over the pain and itching during bacterial vaginosis.

8 Warm Baths with Cedar Oil

When bathing in hot water, you can add a spoon of salt and few drops of cedar oil in it. Cedar oil works well for relieving itching.

9 Leaves of Tracheal

Tracheal is a natural herb and helps the body getting rid of toxins. Make a tea out of a teaspoonful of dry tracheal leaves in a cup with hot water.

For preventive purposes or for avoiding severe B.V. symptoms you should carefully cleanse your underwear, practice clean toilet hygiene as well as taking warm baths often. Items for daily use, such as pillows, bed sheets, towels and the like should me washed separately. The best way to prevent these awful vaginal bacteria is probably to eat yogurt regularly.

by Gerd Petersen

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Trichomonas Vaginitis - What are the causes, Symptoms and Treatment?

Trichomonas vaginitis is a one-celled parasite that lives in the vagina, the cervix, or in the lower genital tract of males. Under the microscope, this protozoan is looking like a teardrop-shaped cell with a tail. Patients with trichomonas usually have accompanying discharge or irritation.

A Home Remedy Cured My B.V. - Click here for more free videos

Occasionally the cervix may become inflamed, leading to bleeding after sexual intercourse or at the time a Pap smear is taken. In rare cases, a woman will notice discomfort with urination. In most cases bacterial vaginosis coexists with this infection, since the Trichomonas organism creates an alkaline pH in the vagina that encourages the growth of the "bad" bacteria.

In this case, a woman may also experience a fishy odor, especially after sexual intercourse. Fortunately, trich has no significant medical risks. It doesn't travel up into the uterus or fallopian tubes nor does it affect other parts of the body. It is purely an uncomfortable annoyance.

Trichomonas Vaginitis Symptoms

Around half of all women with Trichomonas present no symptoms and may go undiagnosed for years, even if they have been followed up with regular annual examinations. Condoms are mandatory if you want protection against this organism.

Trichomonas Causes

Trichomonas, aka "trich" (pronounced "trick"), is a sexually transmitted condition. If you know for sure that your relationship is monogamous and have come down with Trichomonas, you may be wondering which implications you can expect. Although Trichomonas can live in the male genital tract, it cannot survive for more than a few days or weeks at most.

But in the vagina it can live for years, and has even been found in elderly women who have not had intercourse for decades. As a matter of fact you may have contracted the condition from a previous partner without knowing it. Nevertheless, it's mandatory that you have an open, honest dialog with your current partner, as it may even be possible that he passed on the infection to you if he was sexually involved with someone else.

Treatment of Trichomonas

Trichomonas vaginitis is commonly treated with an anti-protozoan antibiotic. The most effective treatment is metronidazole or Flagyl, which can be taken orally. Most often a one-time dose is all that is needed.

Male sexual partners of women with trich should be treated simultaneously so that the couple doesn't pass the infection back and forth. Rarely, trich is resistant to the usual doses of metronidazole and higher doses are needed.

by Gerd Petersen

P.S. Learn how I got bacterial vaginosis relief

Friday, November 20, 2009

What Makes Bacterial Vaginosis and Yeast Infection Two Distinct Conditions?

The best way to describe the difference between bacterial vaginosis and yeast infection is by the type of vaginal discharge they cause. In a yeast infection, the vaginal discharge is usually odorless, thick and white. The discharge in BV is gray or white, thin and milky. In most cases it has an unpleasant fishy smell.

The BV Cure That Worked for Me - Click here for more free videos

The normal the vagina contains an abundance of protective bacteria called lactobacilli. When these "good" bacteria have been removed, we'll find an overgrowth of potentially "bad" bacteria. They are harmful and can lead to bacterial vaginosis.

Yeast infections occur when yeast in the vagina called candida albicans, becomes unbalanced. This unbalance may be caused by bad diets and antibiotics. When this yeast or fungus becomes unbalanced, the candida will commonly multiply quickly.

Scientists have found that many women are misinterpreting their symptoms. What they often assume is a yeast infection is in fact bacterial vaginosis or BV for short. In a recent survey, 44 percent of women whom doctors diagnosed with BV had initially treated themselves for a yeast infection. These two types of vaginal infections have different causes, therefore they have different treatments.

Pay close attention to any vaginal symptom, and check with your doctor if you have any doubt between these two conditions. Here are the differences in a nutshell:

- Bacterial vaginosis has a mean fishy odor, yeast infection has no odor.
- Bacterial vaginosis has a white or gray thin milky discharge, yeast infection has a white and think discharge.
- Up to half of women suffering from bacterial vaginosis are affected with itching or irritation while almost all woman with yeast infection has itching or irritation.
- The cause of bacterial vaginosis is bacteria. The cause of yeast infection is yeast.

If you suffer from BV and not Yeast Infection keep reading, because here is some good news. The good news is that it's indeed possible to live every day of your life without nasty discharges or feeling uncomfortable because of bad vaginal odor. It doesn't have to be like this no more.

This break through BV cure is created by someone who has been there and knows what this is about. The woman behind this cure has literally cracked the code of getting rid of BV. Her cure works fast and has permanently given lots of women bacterial vaginosis relief.

by Gerd Petersen

Saturday, November 14, 2009

A Bacterial Vaginitis Treatment That Can Heal The Condition Permanently - Does It Really Excist?

Vaginitis is a disorder in women's vaginal area associated with irritation and/or inflammation of the vagina. Vaginitis is a very common condition affecting millions of women each year. There are three main types of vaginal infections:

- candida vaginitis (yeast infection)
- trichomonas vaginitis ("trich")
- bacterial vaginosis (BV).

Yeast Infection is also called candidiasis. This type of vaginitis is caused by a fungus and is the second most common type of the disorder.

Protozoan is a type of infection that is also known as trichomoniasis and it is considered a sexually transmitted disease (STD). This type is the least common and comprises 3% to 5% of all vaginitis infections.

The bacterial type of infection is caused when healthy vaginal organisms are replaced by bacteria. It is considered to be the most common type of vaginitis.

Possible Symptoms of Vaginitis

Infections in vagina may cause a variety of symptoms, such as fishy odor, irritation, abnormal or increased discharge, painful urination, vaginal bleeding and itching, Women suffering from this condition, may have one or more of the symptoms mentioned above. If you suspect you have this condition, you should discuss it with your physician so that you can be tested.

Causes of Vaginitis

Vaginitis has more than one cause. Common vaginitis causes are;

- fungal infection,
- protozoan infection,
- bacterial infections,
- contact dermatitis,
- allergic reactions

Millions of women are suffering from vaginitis and this condition alone is a main reason why women visit their physician.

How to Treat Vaginitis

There are some treatment options available for curing vaginitis or giving bacterial vaginosis relief, but which treatment your physician will go for will depend on the cause of the infection:

- Trichomonas infection is commonly treated with a prescribed oral antibiotic.

- Yeast infections are treated orally or intra-vaginally with either prescription or over-the-counter antifungal medications.

- BV infections are in most cases treated orally or intra-vaginally with prescribed medication.

How to Prevent Vaginitis

- Douching should be avoided as well as irritating agents, such as feminine hygiene sprays and harsh soaps. If you use douches you run the risk of disrupting the normal balance of vaginal bacteria and should therefore be avoided.

- You should wipe front to back after going to the bathroom, thus prevent to spread bacteria from the rectum to the vagina.

- You should practice safe sex or abstinence if possible. Also avoid multiple sexual partners. If you use latex condoms consistently and in the right way, you can reduce the risk of transmission of STDs.

- Don't use clothing that can trap moisture, for example panty hose without a cotton crotch, tight jeans etc.

I reviewed all Bacterial Vaginitis Cures I could find, but only one gave me permanent relief. Click Here for more info.

by Gerd Petersen

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Thursday, October 29, 2009

A Bacterial Vaginosis Cure That Can Get Rid Of The Condition Once And For All - Does It Excist?

BV or Bacterial Vaginosis is the most common cause of vaginal discharge. In fact, this condition is an overgrowth of the bad bacteria that is normally found in the vagina. In a healthy vagina, there is a balance of good and the bad bacteria. With Bacterial Vaginosis, the bacteria flourish while the good bacteria are lessened or gone.

In most cases BV is found in women who are sexually active.

The main symptoms of BV are;

- a musky vaginal odor,
- a thin gray or white discharge from vagina
- Irritation and itching in the vaginal area.

Sometimes BV heals spontaneous but if you suspect you are suffering from BV, don't hesitate to visit your doctor because this infection can cause more severe conditions, for instance pelvic inflammatory disease.

Your physician will be able to diagnose BV by physical exam and by testing a swab containing a sample of vaginal discharge. For women in pregnancy, treatment is especially important because BV can cause premature delivery or low birth weight for the baby. In some cases, for pregnant women who have previously had a baby born prematurely, it is often recommended that they get tested and treated for bacterial vaginosis relief if necessary. There are more than 800,000 pregnant American women that are infected with Bacterial Vaginosis each year.

If you suffer from BV, your physician may prescribe Metronidazole (branded Flagyl) for you. While you are under the treatment of Metronidazole, you should avoid even small amounts of alcohol as it will help to prevent nausea or even vomiting. Metronidazole may interact with other medications so it is imperative that you tell your physician about any medications you are taking, whether prescribed or over the counter.

Metronidazole is available in oral form or as a vaginal gel. The oral medication is 500 mg and taken twice daily for seven days. The gel is applied once per day for seven days or twice per day for five days.

Another treatment option is Lactobacillus vaginal suppositories. Lactobacillus is the good bacteria normally present in the vagina. Studies have not been conclusive as to whether it gives BV relief or not. Clindamycin is sometimes prescribed to treat Bacterial Vaginosis.

During a bacterial vaginosis cure, it is recommended that you abstain from sexual relations or reducing the number of sex partners until the infection heals. It is also recommended to avoid douching. Make sure that you use all of the medication your doctor has prescribed even if you feel relief before the cure is over.

by Gerd Petersen

Friday, October 23, 2009

Can BV Be Relieved Permanently With Traditional Bacterial Vaginosis Treatments?

If you have BV, you need to go through at least one of several bacterial vaginosis treatments, not just because it's symptoms but also because the risk you run for complications. The main complications are;

- Premature labor during pregnancy
- Increase risk of getting sexually transmitted diseases.

Bacterial Vaginosis Treatments That Actually Work from Gerd Petersen on Vimeo.

The main symptoms of BV are;

- Abnormal vaginal discharge
- Bad fishy smell from vagina
- Itching
- Irritation and swelling of the nether areas
- Cramps in the stomach

A majority of women diagnosed with BV, don't experience the symptoms. How is BV treated?

Do-It-Yourself BV Home Remedies

Bacterial vaginosis treatments with home remedies will vary according to the method they use to fight the infection.

Lactic Bacteria Remedies

These remedies are based on the principle that lactobacilli - the "good bacteria", will prevent infections in vagina.

Tea Tree Oil Remedies

These home remedies kill the bacteria, most likely by producing antiseptic and antifungal substances.

Remedies that lower the Vaginal pH Level

These home remedies are adding an acidic buffer in vagina. This will help to protect against infections like BV.

Most of the home remedies mentioned above will only alleviate the symptoms without eliminating the bacteria or vaginal odor completely.

Treatment with Antibiotics

If you are suffering from BV or you suspect you have it you should always visit your physician or gynecologist for medical advice. The treatment these professionals most likely will give for your bacterial vaginosis is antibiotics. If you are treated with antibiotics, it is very important that you follow the prescription the doctor has given very carefully. Should the symptoms disappear before the treatment period is over, don't stop the treatment but continue as long as the doctor has prescribed. Your physician or gynecologist will also inform you of the unpleasant side effects antibiotics may have on your condition.

There are mainly two antibiotics that are used for treating bacterial vaginosis;


Metronidazole is available in either oral form or as a topical vaginal cream or gel. The oral medication can be used as a one-time treatment, which means taking one dose one time only. It's more common, however, to administer the treatment over a week or so. Clinical studies have documented that one-time treatment is less effective than the weeklong treatment. Metrodinazole is known as the most efficient antibiotic for treating BV. The problem with this medication are the side effects;

- Nausea and vomiting
- Headaches
- Dizziness
- Allergic reactions

In the cream or gel form, one of the side effects reported is vaginal yeast infection. If you experience any of these side effects during an antibiotic treatment, you should contact your doctor immediately


Like metronidazole, clindamycin can be purchased as oral medication and topical cream or gel. Clindamycin is also attached with side effects that includes

- Rashes,
- Nausea
- Diarrhea,
- Cramps in the stomach

Speak with your doctor if you experience any of these side effects.

Antibiotics kill the bacteria that cause BV. In 50 percent of the cases though, bacterial vaginosis will recur within one month after the antibiotic treatment. Antibiotic treatment will only give permanent bacterial vaginosis relief for half of the women who are suffering from it.

This fact has forced the medical industry to look for alternative bacterial vaginosis treatments.

by Gerd Petersen

Saturday, October 17, 2009

How To Get The Best Bacterial Vaginosis Home Remedy

Well, it's hard to say what is the best because there is more than one good bacterial vaginosis home remedy. Below are a few suggestions on how to treat BV with simple remedies that are within the reach of most people. These cures have proved to give bacterial vaginosis relief in a majority of cases.

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1 Take Nutritional supplements

Vitamins such as A, B complex, C, D and E contain antioxidants that help in treating bacterial vaginosis. Applications of vitamin E from prepared creams or powdered capsules have proven to help relieve itching.

2 Eat Yogurt

Lactobacillusacidophilus as well as L. bifidus, present in yogurt help restore the acidic balance in the vagina. These remedies can be taken orally or introduced directly into the vagina. Plain yogurt that contains live acidophilus cultures is normally eaten directly.
Acidophilus capsules or powder can be taken orally. Another effective alternative that improves the vaginal area is vaginal inserts of tampons soaked in yogurt,

3 Use Beta-Dine and Gentian Violet

Beta-dine as well as Gentian Violet are both excellent in countering Candida vulvovaginitis. Betadine is an efficient antiseptic iodine bacterial vaginosis home remedy, but should be avoided for treating bacterial vaginosis during pregnancy. Gentian Violet is an efficient antifungal stain and effective in relieving the symptoms of bacterial vaginosis. The drawback is that they are messy and leave stains. Some women have reported allergic reactions to either or both of them.

4 Using Boric Acid Douche

A boric acid douche is an ideal way to acidify the vaginal pH. This BV treatment prevents unwanted bacteria from expanding and destroys that's already there. A drawback is that some women seem to be over-sensitive to this douche.

Summer's Eve medicated douche, containing potassium iodide has also proved to be an effective method of lowering the vaginal pH. Another bacterial vaginosis home remedy that has proven to be efficient is a vinegar douche containing a mixture of one tablespoon of vinegar per quart of warm water.

5 Dieting Issues

Foods containing yeast, like for example cheese - especially cheese containing molds, like blue cheese, sugar, vinegar, alcohol, soy sauce, chocolate, fruits and fermented foods should be avoided.

6 Homeopathy

Homeopathy has proven to work against BV. Common remedies for homeopathic preparations are sepia and pulsatilla.

7 Using Cold Washcloths

Cold compresses can effectively be used for itching as well as swelling. When a cold cloth is placed on the affected area, the blood vessels are constricted, thus making the area less swollen and red.

8 Fill You Tub with Warm Water and Enjoy It

Spending an hour or so in a tub filled with warm water can be an efficient bacterial vaginosis remedy because it is very soothing to irritated genital tissues. Don't use soap. The natural oils of the skin are the body's natural lipid barriers against germs. Soap dries out these natural oils and should therefore be avoided.

Each bacterial vaginosis home remedy mentioned in this article offers a safe, inexpensive and efficient alternative treatment.
Nevertheless, consult your doctor before you start any alternative treatment.

by Gerd Petersen